The Ida Mae Nicholls Session Hill Community Center recently observed their Annual Black History program. The theme was “Reshaping a Generation”. Missionary Ardrelle Myles Sutton of Douglas was mistress of ceremonies and opened by singing “We’ve Come This Far by Faith”.
The invocation was given by Minister Michael Carr, of Alpha and Omega Church. Deaconess Vanessa Lott rendered a heartfelt welcome. Thomasine Ricks led the audience in the Negro National Anthem, “Lift Every Voice and Sing”.
Reading the history of Eaddyville School and glancing back at the past was given by Mammie Jean Turner. Spiritual rendition was given by The Lee Street Musical Academy African Drumline: Journee Smith, Daniel Autist, Harmony Burroughs and Taylor Johnson.
Following the Drumline, a spiritual hymn was sung by Deacon Edsel Collins, “Amazing Grace Will Always Be My Song of Praise”. Elder Jacqueline Wallace and Dorothy Collins came forward and invoked the audience with a special presentation of a group of distinguished guests (90 + years of age) who have helped pave the way for more than nine decades. The distinguished guest were Pearl Jinks 99, Mary Robertson, 94, Carene Greene, 93, Bishop A. J. Myles 93, Beatrice Carter 91 and Glorious Lott 90. These distinguished guests were presented a certificate and a basket of fruit.
Missionary Sutton rendered a selection “He Brought Me Through This” and Isaac Moses and Mattie Daniels led in the Ministry of Giving.
A musical selection “Hold to His Hand” was rendered by Thomasine Ricks. The guest speaker was Pastor Tony Reynolds of Kingdom Faith Ministry and he electrified the congregation with the topic “Reshaping A Generation”.
Appreciation was given by Elder Wallace, Chairperson, and Dorothy Collins, Co-Chairperson and they expressed their gratitude as well as appreciation to everyone who was in attendance at the Black History Program.
Special recognition of acknowledgement was expressed to the Event Planning Committee and the Executive Board.
Closing remarks were given by Stephon Collins, Chairman. Refreshments were served after the program.