This group of girls represented South Georgia like no other team could
Editor, The Times: A “Letter to the Editor” was published in the March 5 publication of The Alma Times written by Roman Carter, in reference to the 10U Girls Basketball District Tournament. The lengthy letter was written about the Alma-Bacon girls team, the fans and the recreation director. There were plenty of negative words but I believe that they were biased and not all the truth.
First and foremost we need to give the Alma-Bacon girls the recognition that they truly deserve. This group of girls represented South Georgia like no other team could. These girls worked hard at every practice and played their heart out in every game. To say that these young girls should be held accountable for what a fan does or does not do is ridiculous! To say that this team of 10U girls should not represent this district is beyond laughable. This team outscored their district opponents 115-14 in the district tournament. Those 115 points were not made by one girl, or five girls, but by nine girls. We have nine girls on the 10U team, all of which contributed to every win. The goal for this team was not to be the one who had the most points but to be the best teammate. These girls passed the ball when they had open shots, they rebounded and they played amazing defense. All of this is what truly makes a team. Also these nine girls, all of which played every game at state, outscored their state opponents 155-66, so please when you see one of the girls that played on this team give them a huge “Congratulations”, because you see they did this, they played as a team, they won what they worked hard for.
When children sign up to play rec sports, I hope each of these children learn to fall in love with sports, become a good teammate and learn how to win and lose. Sports should teach so many lessons on and off of the field or court. To me it is important to teach these kids lessons that they can carry on to the next chapters of their lives. At the rec age it is important for these children to learn how to become coachable, which will help them when they start playing school ball and when they join the workforce. I also do not personally believe in participation trophies or just telling a team to bow down and stop playing if they are up (especially in a district or state tournament).
Now on to what happened that Saturday of district. Like you, Mr. Carter, I was an assistant coach so I was sitting across the gym from where the fans were, so again like you, I’m sure that I only know what I was told happened or what I saw after Mr. Reece Turner (Divisional Tournament Director) ran over to the side the fans were on. But before we talk about that incident let us discuss the claim that you made that, “the Bacon County fans were intimidating Pierce County before the game even started, coming to the edge of the floor, and yelling at them”.
This statement really confused me because: (1) Bacon fans were sitting in front of where the Bacon team was warming up as was the Pierce fans were sitting in front of where the Pierce team was warming up (2) you along with the other two coaches for the Pierce team were standing down there with your girls while they were warming up. So being those two cases I mentioned I truly do not understand how the Bacon fans were “intimidating” them.
Another part of your letter talks about a Bacon father telling their child something. You also mentioned all of the videos you saw and watched. What is really funny to me is that the Live Stream I went back to watch is that the father you talked about and a father from two of the children on the Pierce team were sitting beside each other during this game. You can hear both of these men cheering for the other child, joking about the other child, etc. You see, Mr. Carter, these two men and their families are very good friends. The girls play ball together, train together and are true friends. The problem seemed to start when another Pierce County fan started questioning the Bacon father about his parenting skills, which please answer me Mr. Carter, how would you handle yourself if you were questioned about this? This man from Bacon is a well known member of the community who has poured into so many children not just locally but all over. He and his family have always welcomed children and wanted to teach them and become better athletes.
It has also been brought up that there were members of our girls using langauge. I have talked to each girl and there is not one that heard any cuss words. And I am guessing the three refs that were calling the game did not hear this either. I did in the live video hear the Pierce fans cheering when one of our girls was pushed down and fell. And every year this child, along with a few others, has to hear “she isn’t young enough to be playing” or “she is too big” me this child is body shamed. But guess what, she is learning every game to just shake it off and do her job on the court, drown out the fans, and smile when she reaches yet another goal that has been set for her.
As soon as the commotion started getting louder to where it was noticed (sidenote: I have talked to Bacon fans, Pierce fans and others who were there waiting for another game never even heard anything or knew what happened...these people were sitting right above where the commotion happened) but you stated that Mr. Turner, “should have intervened immediately” and that “he did not address the crowd and did not try to diffuse the situation at all”. Mr. Turner did in fact intervene immediately, along with telling the police who were at this tournament (they are at every district and state tournament) as did Mr. Turner address the crowd and separated the Bacon and Pierce fans. Mr. Turner also did not try to “intimidate” Pierce County into staying and playing because of the fine. The crowd had settled down and he was trying to talk the head coach into playing the rest of the game for the girls sake. Which I do believe had the score been close the game would have finished. This tournament was for the girls not the adults!
I can 100 percent testify that Reese Turner is an amazing recreation director. The kids for Alma-Bacon County are truly blessed to have him. He makes sure that each child has what they need for each sport they are playing. He makes sure that every kid knows him by name and makes sure to go, cheer and encourage each child during the rec games. He works and does many things for these kids and this community on his own time and also makes sure to see how these kids are doing at school. I believe that being the rec director is not just a job title to him but his passion, he truly wants these kids to better themselves.
Mr. Carter you also brought up the statistics for Bacon County crime which is not that much higher than Pierce and I am sure also is very similar numbers to the surrounding counties to Pierce. I am still not really sure what this had to do with the girls basketball program and this game. I guess Mr. Carter, if this concerns you so much then you may want to address this with your school board because they definitely do not mind getting kids from Bacon County and surrounding counties to come to their schools to help better their sports programs.
In ending my response to your letter Mr. Carter I have to say that what I found asinine is the fact that you wrote this letter, you posted the GRPA rules, rules from the Pierce County Rec Department for being a coach but the one thing you left out, which is very important. It is the fact that you were the one, Mr. Carter, who walked out (or was escorted out) of the Bacon County Rec Gym with your middle finger in the air, “flipping off” everyone including the children who were in the stands. Did your gesture make it on to any of the videos you have or was that part cut out of those?
Jordan Watkins, Assistant Coach Alma-Bacon County 10U Girls Basketball