Pierce County’s Pierce Red 1 team took top honors at the 2025 Pierce Invitational BB Match hosted by Pierce County 4H Saturday, March 1.
Sherriff Ramsey Bennet and ACE Unit Lieutenant Jacob Winters were able to be in attendance at the event, encouraging Pierce Shooting Athletes and participating in the opening ceremony.
Twenty-one teams and 146 shooting athletes from across Georgia participated. Both returning and first year shooting athletes were awarded individually.
A total of 42 awards were awarded to the Pierce Red teams. Pierce County’s Returning Pierce Red 1 took top honors with a team score of 2364 and 64 center shots. The Pierce Red 1 team included Gad DePratter, Allie Herrin, Eli Chesser, Austin Brymer, JerriBeth Mullis, Aleeah Eason and Eli Locklear.
Pierce County’s Returning Pierce Red 2 placed 9th with a team score of 2119 and 19 center shots. The Pierce Red 2 team included Hunter Deal, Mason Dixon, Case Deal, Andrew Davis and Mikah Deal.
Pierce County’s First Year Pierce Red 3 placed 3rd with a team score of 2160 and 28 center shots. The Pierce Red 3 team included Riley Sexton, Taylor Sexton, Dixie Griffis, Eva King and Ayden Brymer.
Gad DePratter placed 2 nd Individually with a score of 476 and 18 center shots, 2nd in Sitting, made a 100 on his Gun Safety Written Test and broke his 2025 personal competition shooting record.
Eli Locklear placed 3rd in Prone, 4th in Standing, made a 100 on his test, broke his 2025 personal record and was a Top 20 Shooter.
Aleeah Eason placed 2nd in Standing, made a 100 on her test, broke her 2025 personal record, and was a Top 20 Shooter.
Eli Chesser made a 100 on his test, broke his 2025 personal record and was a Top 10 Shooter.
Austin Brymer made a 100 on his test, broke his 2024 personal record and was a Top 10 Shooter.
Allie Herrin made a 100 on her test and was a Top 10 Shooter.
JerriBeth Mullis made a 100 on her test and was a Top 20 Shooter.
Mason Dixon made a 100 on his test and broke his 2025 personal record.
Andrew Davis made a 100 on his test.
Riley Sexton placed 2nd Individually amongst first year shooters with a score of 458 and 1 center shot, placed 4th in Prone, 5th in Standing, 3rd in Sitting, made a 100 on his test and broke his 2025 personal record.
Hunter Deal placed 4th Individually with a score of 450 and 5 center shots, 5th in Kneeling, made a 100 on her test and broke her 2025 personal record.
Taylor Sexton placed 5th Individually with a score of 449 and 5 center shots, 4th in Sitting, 1st in Kneeling, made a 100 on his test and broke his 2025 personal record.
Mikah Deal made a 100 on her test and broker her 2025 personal record.
Dixie Griffis was a Top 20 Shooter amongst first year shooting athletes.
Eva King, Ayden Brymer and Case Deal all made 100 on their Gun Safety Tests.
The Pierce 4-H SAFE BB Program expressed heartfelt thanks to Blackshear Church of God and Pastor John Williams forproviding a last-minute replacement venue for the BB Match due to a schedule conflict at the original gym location. With the help of Pierce County 4-H agents, the Pierce County Extension Office and the community, the match was able to be moved successfully.
The Pierce 4-H SAFE Shooting Programs thank the Pierce County Sherriff’s Department for shining light on the program and participating in youth activities in the community.
The Georgia 4-H SAFE Shooting Sports program helps youth develop a sense of belonging, learn teamwork and increase concentration skills in a safe place. Safety and the responsible use of firearms is a primary goal. Coaches Rebecca Mullis, Tommy Cooper, Adam Herrin, Miranda Herrin, Casey Caswell, and Kayla Brigmond lead the shooting program.
The Pierce 4-H SAFE BB Shooting Team will travel to Carrollton, GA to compete in the 2025 Georgia Games, March 15, 2025. You can follow their progress on orionresults.com.