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Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 6:07 PM

Pierce BB Team places third at Georgia Games

Pierce BB Team places third at Georgia Games
Pictured above (l-r) are Front: Taylor Sexton, Case Deal, Allie Herrin, Hunter Deal, Eva King, Ayden Brymer, Riley Sexton, Mason Dixon and Mikah Deal. Back: Dixie Griffis, Aleeah Eason, JerriBeth Mullis, Eli Locklear, Gad DePratter, Austin Brymer and Devan Turner. Not Pictured: Andrew Davis and Eli Chesser.

The Pierce County 4-H SAFE BB Team traveled to the 2025 Georgia Games BB Match hosted by the Carroll County 4-H Saturday, March 1. Twenty teams and 174 shooters competed in the match. Age and gender divisions were awarded individually, and Pierce County brought home a total of 2 medals.

Pierce County’s Pierce Red 1 Team took 3 rd place with a 2353 and 61 center shot team score. The Pierce Red team included Devan Turner, Eli Locklear, Allie Herrin, Aleeah Eason, Gad De-Pratter, JerriBeth Mullis, and Austin Brymer.

Devan Turner placed first in the prone position with a perfect target of 100 and 8 center shots, was a top 5 shooter, and broke his 2025 personal competition record in his division.

Allie Herrin placed first individually with a score of 473 and 11 center shots, third in Prone, first in Kneeling, and made a 100 on her competition test in her division.

Aleeah Eason placed first in prone, made a 100 on her competition test, and was a top 10 shooter in her division. Eli Locklear broke his 2025 personal competition record and was a top 10 shooter in his division.

Gad DePratter made a 100 on his competition test and was a Top 20 Shooter in his division.

JerriBeth Mullis and Austin Brymer were both top 20 shooters in their divisions.

Pierce County’s Pierce Red 2 Team achieved 11th place with a 2207 and 32 center shot team score. The Pierce Red team included Eli Chesser, Riley Sexton, Mason Dixon, Hunter Deal, Taylor Sexton and Dixie Griffis.

Eli Chesser placed third individually with 462 and 9 center shots, second in prone, third in standing, and made a 100 on his competition test in his division.

Riley Sexton placed first individually with 451 and 11 center shots, third in prone, second in standing, and first in kneeling in his division.

Mason Dixon, Hunter Deal, and Dixie Griffis were all top 20 shooters in their divisions.

Pierce County’s Pierce Red 3 Team took 19th place with 2060 and 23 center shot team score. The Pierce Red team included Andrew Davis, Case Deal, Ayden Brymer, Eva King and Mikah Deal.

Andrew Davis broke his 2025 personal competition record and was a top 20 shooter in his division.

Case Deal was a top 5 shooter in his division.

Eva King and Mikah Deal were both top 10 shooters in their divisions.

The Pierce County 4-H SAFE BB Team prepares for their District BB Match to be held in Blackshear, Saturday, March 29. All first responders in attendance will be honored in the opening and closing ceremonies. Follow match progress using orionresults. com or show support by attending the free admission match located at the Blackshear NFC Gym. First shot will go down range at 9 a.m. Concessions will be for sale and silent auction items will be up for bid.

Devan Turner with his Perfect Prone target.


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