Behold the Lamb Passion Play to be held at Manor Comm. Center A passion play will be held at the Manor Community Center 7 p.m. Friday, April 11 and at 3 p.m., Saturday and Sunday,, April 12-13. The event will be free of charge but reservations are recommended and love offerings will be accepted.
The Manor Community Center is located at 4650 Manor-Millwood Rd. South in Manor. For reservations, text 912-5818501.
Patterson Baptist to hold Easter service April 20
Patterson Baptist invites everyone to attend Easter services Sunday, April 20.
Easter observances begin at 7 a.m. with a sunrise service. Choir members from other churches are also invited to join us in the choir loft and sing praises to the Resurrection of our Lord!
Former pastor of PBC, Rozzie James, will bring the sunrise message. A hearty breakfast will follow. There will also be an 8:30am contemporary service with a message by Bro. Vance Colley, pastor. Sunday School will follow at 9:45 a.m. The 11 a.m. Easter Presentation by the PBC Choir entitled 'Hallelujah! He Is Risen!' and a message from Bro. Vance Colley.
Hacklebarney Baptist
Hacklebarney Baptist Church will host a special fifth Sunday night sing at 6 p.m. Sunday, March 30. Tony Rowell will be leading the special singing during the service.
Pastor Monroe Gill and all members would like to invite everyone to attend all services. For more information please send us a message on Facebook or call Brother Monroe at 912-286-3366 or Brother Matt at 912-240-3135.
Youmans Chapel Spring Revival Youmans Chapel Baptist Church’s spring revival will continue through Friday, March 28. Guest speaker is Brother Doug Odle, pastor of Friendship Baptist Church in Jonesville, Virginia.
Services will be held 7 p.m. Tonight, Wednesday night, March 26, will be youth night. supper will be served at 6 p.m. and the service will begin at 7 p.m. Brother Jimmy Thrift and congregation invite the public to attend. Youmans Chapel is located on Dean Still Road in Blackshear.