Columnist Bertie Allen • Email: [email protected] • Phone: (912) 282-7473 Hello to you, Here is the news for this week.
***** To our community: Congratulations to Kiya Harris, daughter of Timothy and Cynthia Harris. She is a member of Bethel Temple Holiness Church in Blackshear. Kiya was recently awarded three certificates of achievement.
She was named to the dean’s list as a full-time student at the honor’s day convocation at Albany State University.
She also was recognized for her 3.5 or above grade point average as a history major.
She was also recognized and received a certificate of achievement for having the highest average for senior students in her history class.
God bless you to keep up the great work.
Timothy, Cynthia, Marcus, Omarius Harris, families and friends.
***** Faith Outreach Ministries fifth Sunday Power of Praise service will be held at noon Sunday, March 30, at 200 Tebeau Street, Waycross. Guest speaker will be Apostle Dr. Dee Dee Carr and Dr. Bishop Frances E. Fields, Pastor.
Please come worship with us. ***** It’s almost time! Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, located at 3383 Tyre Bridge Road Patterson, will have its homecoming and family and friends day Saturday April 12 and Sunday, April 13.
We want to invite all of Patterson, Offerman, Screven, Blackshear, Bristol, Alma, Waycross and Jesup from surrounding areas and all those near and far to the two-day extravanza.
Saturday, April 12, will be our tail gate festival. Bounce houses, water slides, vendors, sweets and treats, food stands, bingo, music and so much more will be featured. Vendors are still welcome. Bring your entire family out for some nice clean fun, food and fellowship.
Bring your lawn chairs and just come out and have a good time.
Sunday, April 13, is our family and friends day. Sunday school will be at 9:45 a.m. and worship service at 11 a.m.
I’m telling you people, you don’t want to miss it. ***** Kingdom Faith Church has service every Sunday at 10 a.m. and Bible Study every Tuesday at 6 p.m. The church is located at 6014 Homestead Road in Blackshear. Elder Tony Reynolds is the pastor. ***** Your entire family is invited to worship with Fourth Mount Olive Church during weekly worship services. We are located at 900 Yeomans Street, Blackshear. We are blessed to be able to provide opportunities for all to learn how to love God and each other as we worship God our Father, Jesus Our Savior and the Holy Spirit our Comforter and Guide. We start promptly at 10 a.m. Come see for yourself, you will be glad you did. ***** The Pierce County NAACP Chapter 5227B is a local organization we are striving to put back into local action. It’s a civil rights organization that’s willing to help those who need help. It’s the official site for taking the cause further when you feel that you’ve been wronged, or you want to work toward changes that may help the cause or causes. We all have different situations where we need assistance from leadership. We understand that everyone doesn’t agree with what the NAACP goes for, but they’re striving to bring change by helping many people. We’re living beneath our privileges and our God given rights of life. We have a right to receive the best that life can offer. My question is, are you really receiving what you deserve in life. We need you to help us to help you by joining to be a member of the local Pierce County NAACP is Chapter 5227B. When we’re faced with opposition, the NAACP is there to help assist on your behalf. Will you help us by joining to be a member for $30 a year. Being a member doesn’t mean you must work, but possessions will be available soon. For more information contact Charles Broady, Vice President, at 912-548-2656. ***** Lee Street Music Academy will hold an after school program. The Drumline and Marching Band fever hits Pierce and Ware Counties for all youth from ages five-19. All will learn performance skills to perform in parades, on drumline, dance and brass instruments.
Rehearsals are held from 3-4:30 p.m. every first Saturday at Lee Street Resource Center, 623 Sycamore Street, Blackshear. Call to register! Space is limited. For more information, call (912) 406-1478. Melvin Johnson is executive director, Dr. Deborah Brown is music director and Jacqueline Wallace is youth coordinator. ***** Positive Thoughts: Family, we make a family, and together we are blessed. ***** Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.
— Psalms 133:1 ***** If you have any news for Bertie’s corner, please call me at (912) 282-7473 or email bertiecorner-blktime23b7@ I’ll be glad to hear from you and write up your news.