Editor, The Times: The Pierce County Girls 10U team played in the 10U and 12U girls district championship basketball tournament held in Bacon County Saturday, March 1.
At halftime during the 10U championship game, a serious altercation arose among the spectators creating a potentially violent situation.
Due to the potential for violence, foul language, and traumatic circumstances the 10U coaching staff made the decision to evacuate the building in the best interest of the team and their supporters.
Due to the unsafe conditions our Pierce County girls had to have a police escort out of the building because of threats that were being made. Furthermore, during the game the Bacon County 10U team members were using expletives against the Pierce team and one Bacon County parent confirmed that during halftime he told his daughter to punch the Pierce County girls in the face if they fouled her. The Bacon County fans were intimidating Pierce County before the game even started, coming to the edge of the floor and yelling at them.
One of the Pierce County 10U players was quoted as saying “I was scared that they were going to come over there and hurt me or someone else. I was terrified.”
Bacon County fans continued to yell disrespectful comments towards the players and referees. Grown men and women were trash talking a 10U girls team. There are videos of Bacon County fans on the court during the game. A distasteful display of ignorance was demonstrated that day by Bacon County. It is a classless display of unsportsmanlike conduct and should not be tolerated.
As a coach, Pierce Countian, parent and professional I try and instill good sportsmanship, respect to other players and fans. These kids are blessed with talent not everyone has. They are out there to learn the sport and make life-long memories. This incident could have caused these girls to no longer want to play the sport they love, but because they are fighters, have integrity and courage they will carry on.
Recreation Department sports are intended to help children improve physical fitness, help them develop friendship groups, reduce gang violence, break down social barriers and build up communities. What happened in the Bacon County gym was the exact opposite of what is intended. The Bacon County fans created a hostile environment that goes against all policies of Georgia Recreation and Parks Association (GRPA) and the Pierce County Recreation Department.
Earlier in the 2024/2025 season at a 14U girls game in Pierce County eight members of the Bacon County fan group were ejected due to disruptive behavior. One of those was arrested for going onto the court and punching a Pierce County team member in the face.
This ongoing systemic behavior is not surprising due to Bacon County’s shockingly high crime rates.
Recent statistics show Bacon County’s violent crime rate is 31.8, 40% higher than the national average of 22.7. Bacon County’s property crime rate is 76.4, 115% higher than the national average of 35.4.
What is surprising is that nobody has done anything about the repeated GRPA violations stemming from Bacon County. The divisional tournament director, Reese Turner, did nothing to suppress obvious GRPA violations. While the Pierce County team was packing up to leave, he even stated that if we left there would be a $750 fine, trying to intimidate Pierce County into staying in the hostile environment instead of doing his job and making all players, coaches and fans comply with GRPA guidelines. Reese told the Pierce coach there was nothing he could do about the way fans were behaving towards our children. As the district director, Mr. Turner should have intervened immediately instead of letting things progress. Mr. Turner was in the gym the entire time and saw everything that happened. He did not address the crowd and did not try to diffuse the situation at all. This is a situation where what you allow you condone. Mr. Turner in all manner condoned what was happening in the gym. This is a poor display in leadership for our area and it is disappointing to know that someone who is in a position of leadership not only allows but condones such reprehensible behavior.
The Pierce County Recreation Department follows guidelines established by GRPA (Georgia Recreation and Park Association). The guidelines included in the GRPA were not followed in this tournament.
For anyone doubting any of these statements, we have multiple witnesses and videos. The 12U Long County coach stated that he respected the Pierce County coaches decision due to the unsafe conditions.
He also stated he would be a witness to the unfortunate events that unfolded.
Something needs to be done to hold all accountable thereby protecting our young people from unsafe environments. If Bacon County cannot control their fans in accordance with GRPA regulations then they need to be banned from the program. Bacon County is now not only able to go play for a state championship, but to also represent South Georgia at the state level. They are now being rewarded for bullying kids, parents, coaches, and players while creating an environment that encourages violence.
Bacon County should face consequences for behavior that is unacceptable in the recreation department.
No child should ever be subjected to such actions and at the very least should expect to be protected when going to play in other areas. We have experienced poor behavior from Bacon County in the past but this year went beyond that and into dangerous behavior. If the Bacon County staff, coaches and especially the district director of the recreation department cannot do their job and protect those who play against them, then GRPA must step in and make sure that this never happens again.
We humbly submit this letter to inform the public and as a call to action to both the Bacon and Pierce County Recreation Departments and County Commissioners to do better for our youth. Change needs to take place. Let us be the change.
McKayla Carter, Coach, Pierce County 10U Girls Basketball Blackshear