Marilyn Conley of Blackshear will be the guest speaker at Wayc ross Aglow Lighthouse Satu rday, March 8.
The meeting will be held at 10 a.m. at Our Beloved Church, 1700 Osceola Avenue, Waycross.
Women and men are invited to the meeting to celebrate the goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ in prayer, praise, worship and the spoken word.
Conley has a testimony of God’s amazing power and grace to deliver, save, set free and launch a broken, restored vessel into the harvest fields for Him.
Conley and her husband, Neil, attend Destination Church. After leading Recovery Groups for nine years, she now takes Sisters in Christ Bible Study for the last two years to Bethesda Recovery in Waycross. She’s soon to be leading these same Bible Studies at Magnolia House (Battered Women’s Shelter) along with OATH House (Help for the homeless program) both in Waycross.
“To me there is nothing more encouraging and faith building than to hear how God has transformed someone’s life from the depths of darkness into His wonderful light,” says president Rosalind Eskew. “If you need encouragement and a place to sit at Jesus feet with others who love Him or just want to know Him more, please join us.”
