Editor, The Times:
I am writing for two reasons in particular.
I am “very” thankful that our county’s newspaper allows and encourages citizens to write. You have allowed several articles I have written to be published several times and I thank you for it.
My current letter is to address our current estimated tax liability. I am 70 years old. I live on retirement income. My home and property have improved some... but in no way has the value tripled. I’m sure others will concur that the recent re-evaluation has not been what they would consider fair.
When the county re-appraisal notice was put in The Blackshear Times, I responded then with an article entitled “The Tax Man is Coming.” Indeed he has, and it was not to bring a gift from Santa.
My taxes increased. They more than tripled from $76,844 fair market value to $239,051. The 40 percent assessed value went from $30,738 to $95,620. This is completely unrealistic. My yearly property tax went from $838.87 to $2,629.70. This is with my full homestead exemption.
Yes, of course, I will appeal. Wouldn’t you?
Gordon Ross