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Cord of 3 gives thanks for generous donations
Editor, The Times: The Cord of 3 family contends that we are More Than Conquerors through Christ for faithful families in our community.
Our calling here at Cord of 3 is very clear: To protect and preserve the God-ordained institution of the family.
Our work is to minister to individuals and families through Christ-centered counseling, marriage retreats, parenting supports, prevention efforts, and other trainings in order to bring hope, healing, and restoration to today’s generations of families. Every family is impacted by the attacks, and Cord of 3 believes it is both a privilege and responsibility to join with families and be a part of what God is doing in their lives.
While billing for counseling services helps offset some costs, many clients are unable to afford the full cost of care. Fundraising ensures that services remain accessible to those in financial need, particularly vulnerable families and individuals. As a Christian agency, we are called to extend grace and meet needs without creating financial barriers.
This is where you helped. You generated $27,740 through this campaign which generates approximately 292 counseling and discipleship sessions for families in your community. We thank you, and the families we serve thank you. You are changing the lives of entire families and possibly even future generations.
For more information about Cord of 3, please visit us online at or call at 912282-0992. April Mitchell, Cord of 3 Director of Advancement Blackshear