My concerns about the $3.7 million cost of Courthouse Annex
The Brantley County Commissioners are currently in the process of building a $3.7 million courthouse annex. I am NOT questioning the need for a courthouse annex. I understand the need for more space.
The price includes a 7,000 square foot building (metal) which I priced from three different sources. The building and foundation is listed at less than $200,000. That would leave $3.5 million to be spent on the inside and the parking lot.
The price of the project includes all electric, plumbing, HVAC and cyber materials. Two vaults are also included in the price. It is my firm belief this can be done for significantly less money while having a building that will make our community proud.
The builders I have spoken with expressed the view it can be done for less than $1 million. Any savings could be used to help remodel the courthouse.
I did find out commissioners advertised the project in the newspaper ( The Brantley Beacon) for two weeks and on the county portal for one month. However, only one bid came in. The commissioners took the single bid for what appears to be almost four times the expense of what the entire project should cost.
The $3.5 million cost to finish the inside of a metal building seems extremely excessive.
I also found out the commissioners still have a new courthouse on the back burner. The annex should resolve the need for a new courthouse.
Finally, we need a clear answer in regards to the landfill. What was the exact action taken by the previous commissioners causing us to end up in a lawsuit with the Development Partners?
I have heard numerous times a former chairman signed a document the Development Partners have used as a green light for their permit. However, that power structure of the commission at that time should not and would not have allowed one person to represent the county in such a sizeable agreement.
As a citizen of Brantley County, I would like a clear explanation of our grounds for appealing the EPD permit for an unwanted landfill in our county.