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Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 8:14 PM

Aglow audience hears speaker stress ‘heart’

Aglow audience hears speaker stress ‘heart’
Dr. Suzanne Eason stressed “heart” during her address last week at the Aglow Lighthouse monthly worship program. Photo by NICKIE CARTER

Waycross Aglow Lighthouse worshipers were enlightened with “I’ve loved the Lord all my life and God is so good,’’ as they listened to Christian trainer/teacher Dr. Suzanne Eason of Baxley at their February fellowship.

Applause for the speaker radiated in the spacious sanctuary of Our Beloved Church.

A long-time educator and now teacher/trainer throughout the world, Dr. Eason chose scriptures from the books of Psalms, Isaiah, Ezekiel and Deuteronomy focusing on “God is doing a new thing whether you know it or not.”

“God is putting a place of safety for His people. Be rightly aligned in the right place with Him. If you follow the world, you suffer with the world,’’ she said.

“Let God prepare you for the future. He will always send a messenger before it happens. You will have time to prepare. Prepare your heart and be in the right place with the lord. He will take care of you,’’ Dr. Eason said. “Your heart acts as a connection to the spiritual world. Compare a cell phone with no wires, but you get a call. You can talk. We don’t understand how it works. We need to believe God’s word, pray. There is a spirit bridge to connect with God. God will put in your heart unconditional love. He will renew us.’’

Introduced by Aglow president Rosalind Eskew, Dr. Eason stressed, “We’re called to life on this earth as spirituallyminded. See things as God sees them. Without faith it is impossible to believe in God. I get my mind renewed to what my Bible tells me.

“Be spiritually-minded. God works at the heart of people. He will take out a stony heart and put you in a new heart.’’

The speaker, who has spent 30 years of her life in public education, teaching and training others, added, “We have to get in the spirit. Born again we are born again in our spirit. Quit living in the past ... ‘behold I do a new thing.’ No matter the circumstances God can change things. You can walk in a new path. You can choose what you do for God.

“The devil loves to get rid of you. There may be a lot of transitions and changes going on, but we will see hardships, too along with good things. Things will affect us, but God is preparing for you to walk through. God is saying ‘Let me help you. You can walk through victoriously.’” In closing, Dr. Eason offered a passage from Deuternomy 6: 5.

“He says ‘A new heart also will I give you and a new spirit will I put within you. I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and I will give you a heart of flesh.’

“And I shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soul and with all thy might.’’

Adding to the fellowship Melanie Hauner, guitarist, led the audience in a time of musical praise and worship.


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