Editor, The Times: The wicked shall be turned into sheol and the peoples that forsake God.
— Psalm 9:17 America is in grave danger and is repeating the same mistakes of great empires long ago such as the Roman Empire.
Aristotle said, Those who do not know history are bound to repeat it. Any nation, who turns from the True and Living God is headed toward a great fall as Rome was. Nations die by a slow process of erosion within.
Signs of the decline and death of a great nation include: • an increase in lawlessness along with the promotion of the wrong people in strategic places;
• no economic discipline and self-restraint along with greed;
• decline in the quality of education;
• an increase in materialism and self-luxury;
• the weakening of the foundation that the nation was built and founded on to make it great;
• no moral discipline and loss of respect for authority; • a rise in immorality and perversion in and out of the church;
• alien gods and the exaltation of man;
• a decline placed on the value of human life and care for the elderly.
This is evidenced in our nation by abortion, brutality and loss of natural affection. Peace and order become impossible to maintain. These are absolute reminders to all as a stark warning to our nation that we are in a fatal movement turned away from the Lord who raised up our nation to be great. A nation who forgets the True and Living God and no longer fears Him is headed for the worst calamity. We are in the day when they are calling good evil and evil good. The lesson of history is meant to lead us to the Lord of history. True life is about Him. It is His story we need to hear. Our only hope lies in our Savior. We are accountable to the One who created us and heaven and earth. It is time for us to bow our knees to our Creator. Our hope is in a Divine move of God by the mighty moving of His Spirit and that His glory will fill the whole earth and His presence will be felt by all men. This will not come by simply being aware of our need for it and singing about it.
It will come only in His sovereign grace when we, the body of the Lord, rediscover the great revelation of Who He is through the power in His Word. It is by fresh revelation we will recognize all power is in His hands, knowing He is in control and has a divine plan and purpose for the earth and all that is in it.
Inherent in this revelation will come the glorious realization of His perfect will for His people in our day. We are to be shining lights for all the world to see. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords in the midst of the greatest darkness.
As gross darkness covers all the earth, we are to “arise and shine, for the Glory of the Lord shall be upon us,” Isaiah 60:1-2 for all the world to see that our Lord reigns and supreme power is in His hands.
As we bow before Him in true repentance and faith in His greatness, He will hear our cries and answer on our behalf and we will worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness and the gospel of the Kingdom will go forth in power and His Glory will fill the earth.
Sandra Strickland Blackshear