It started snowing at my house Tuesday night. There are several places in Brantley County I consider my favorite places to take pictures (besides m y backyard) and I knew where I wanted to be first thing Wednesday morning in the snow.
I woke up to a yard covered in white and dressed in my warmest clothes and headed out the door with my camera. I made it about 100 yards down the road from my house when I slid into the ditch.
The morning was not starting very well. Then a cousin of mine in a fourwheel drive truck just happened to be coming while I was out deciding what my options were.
We hooked his chain up, but that didn’t work. So, I pulled the snatch rope out of my toolbox and after some pulling, mud and snow slinging for a ways, he was able to pull me out.
The smart thing to do would have been to see if I could get back to the house, but sometimes, I don’t always do the smart thing. I still knew where I really wanted to be which was about 10 miles away from where I was.
I had already wasted too much daylight. I made it within about a mile, but the roads were not looking good for me to drive.
I grabbed my camera, and before thinking about it, stepped out and started walking. It didn’t take long for me to get my feet wet. My hands were already very cold.
It was about a miserable mile walk in the mud and snow, but I finally got to where I wanted to be, took my pictures and started back for my truck.
I had nearly finished my walk when a family on a golf cart offered me a ride. I did not turn them down!
I have taken pictures of this old farm place in the rain, clouds and fog, but never the snow — until now.
I am a firm believer every picture has a story behind it. This one sure has.
• Wayne Morgan is freelance wildlife photographer and author.