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Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 11:38 PM

Ware County Board of Education highlights

Ware County Board of Education highlights

The Ware County Board of Education held a work session and monthly meeting on December 16-17 with Chairman Denton Dial presiding. All board members were present, Vice-Chairman Barry Deas, Karen Ethridge, Rusty Ganas, Alisa “Toni” Nelson, Edward Tyre, Brandi Waters, and Supt. Dr. Lynn Barber. Following is the business conducted at the sessio ns:

Payroll-Enrollment: Approved disbursements for November 2024, in the amount of $6,546,776.07. Enrollment was repored as 5,969 students as of December 10 compared to 5,942 at the same time last year:

Western Governors University Clinical Experience Agreement: Approved renewal of the accord outlining mutual expectations, responsibilities, and terms for teacher candidates completing clinical experience in the district. It is to the advantage of the system to partner with colleges and universities in this process as it broadens the teacher pipeline.

2025 meeting dates: Approved the schedule for work sessions and meetings for 2025, all of which are open to the public. Agendas are posted in advance, and minutes are posted on the system webpage.

The schedule is (work session listed first): January 13-14; February 10-11; March 10-11; April 21-22; May 12-13; June 23-24; July 14-15; August 11-12; September 8-9; October 13-14; November 10-11; December 8-9.

Significant Calendar Dates: December 19-January 1 holiday break; January 2-3, professional learning days; January 6, students return for second semester; January 8, second quarter report cards.

Exemplary Board Program: Approved the request to apply for the Georgia School Board Association’s Exemplary Board Recognition Program. The Board has held Exemplary status since 2019 and seeks to continue to increase effectiveness by using the Georgia School Board’s criteria.

Regional Library: Approved board member Karen Ethridge to serve as the representative on the Okefenokee Regional Library Board for 2025.

Non-resident application: Approved the non-resident (out of district) application for one student to transfer or remain in Ware County Schools.

Final payment: Approved the final pay request for Ware County High School’s turf and track in the amount of $208,418.48 to Field Turf USA, Inc. The field turf project is complete.

• Bush Foundation Grant: Approved the request from Aimee Mancil, Media Specialist at Ware Middle, to apply for the Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries Grant. Funds will be used to update the school’s book collection.

Cafeteria purchases: Approved nutrition purchases of SICO cafeteria tables and seating for: 1. Wacona Elementary in the amount of $71,300 to be funded by School Nutrition Funds. The seating capacity will be 306; 2. Williams Heights Elementary in the amount of $46,000 to be funded by School Nutrition Funds. The seating capacity will be 236.

Field trips: Approved various field trip requests from Ruskin Elementary, Ware County Middle, and Ware County High.

Fundraisers: Approved the activity for Ruskin Elementary and Waycross Middle.

• Interventionist program: Approved the request from the Director of Student Services and Special Education to open a new Interventionist position at Center Elementary. This position will help students who need additional interventions in reading and math. Funding source for this position is QBE funds.

Community coach: Approved the request from the Athletic Director to add a community coach position to the golf team. The person in this position will be the assistant to both the girls’ and boys’ teams.

Personnel report Classified

Employment: Cole Anderson, Electrician/Custodial Supervisor, Maintenance; Brooklyn Crosby, SpEd Parapro, Wacona; Caleb Freelove, Bus Monitor, Transportation; Ashley Grady, Parapro, Memorial Drive; Maggie Little, Secretary/ Receptionist, Daffodil; Amy Proctor, SpEd Parapro, Ware High.

Resignations: Paula Rouse, Parapro, Daffodil (Eff. 12/6/24); Faith Tanner, Secretary/Receptionist, Daffodil (Resignation date changed to 11/13/24).


Employment: John Chancey, Assistant Superi ntendent/Student Achievement Director, Central Office; Amelia Ricker, ELA Teacher, Ware Middle (pending graduation and certification).

Transfers: Brandon Foster, Intra System Transfer from ELA Teacher, Ware Middle to Interventionist, Center.

Resignation: Courtney Renshaw, Agriculture Teacher, Waycross Middle (Eff. 1/2/25).

Retirement: Lisa Thrift, Elementary Teacher, Waresboro (Eff. 1/1/25).

Work Base Learning

Student: Abeni Hendricks, Front Office, Central Office.

Dr. Lynn Barber (left) took his seat as Superintendent of Ware County Schools at the school board’s work session and regular meetings on Monday-Tuesday, December 16-17. Chairman Denton Dial presided.






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