The Empty Stocking Fund still stands at $455 as no new donations were received this week.
The amount collected so far is more than double that collected in the inaugural year of the fund last year.
The “Empty Stocking Fund” collected $225 for its inaugural year.
A total of seven donations have been received to date including one In Memory of Ned Baumbach, Comfort Chapel Primitive Baptist Church, John G. Knox, Melissa Lee and three anonymous donors.
Money collected for the fund will be evenly distributed to assist two wellknown local charities, the Pierce County Food Pantry and The Sycamore Tree.
“We are pleased to be able to offer an Empty Stocking Fund in Pierce County to help spread the Christmas spirit in our community,” said Rick and Sandy Head, publishers of The Times. “We have had an Empty Stocking fund with our neighboring publication, The Waycross Journal-Herald, and the fund there has been well received and has made a positive difference in our community.”
Donations to the fund may be delivered from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., weekdays to
The Times office at 126 NW Central Avenue, Blackshear or mailed to: Empty Stocking Fund, The Blackshear Times
P.O. Box 410 Blackshear, GA 31516. A weekly progress report of the fund will appear on the front page each week.