Bethesda Recovery officials, clients and volunteers report they are “happily planning the next Mom Prom which will benefit Bethesda, a Waycross residential home for women of addiction. Launching plans for the anticipated event a luncheon was held recently at Bethesda Recovery House of Mercy Church, 1700 Osceola Ave, introducing and honoring Mom Prom Queen candidates for 2023.
“Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 4, 2023,’’ announces Bethesda Recovery director and founder Cathy Sweat. ‘’Approximately 200 ladies attended our first Mom Prom and we look forward to welcoming even more next year. Ticket sales will begin the first of the year. As last year the anticipated event will be held at C. C. McCray City Auditorium .’’
According to Mrs. Sweat and Mom Prom Queen coordinator Joyce Screws, assisted by Lisa Holmes, “Our volunteers are already busy selling tickets for beauty care, making decoration plans and backing Mom Prom Queen contestants. There will be much fun from dancing, music, prizes to photo taking.’’
“We wanted to announce our Mom Prom Queen candidates now, as each is so busy raising funds which will support our wonderful Bethesda Recovery home,’’ Mrs. Sweat said. “We so appreciate the time and effort these great ladies are doing for our home. Deep appreciation is given our many sponsors.’’
Queen coordinator Mrs. Screws welcomed four of the seven queen candidates to the luncheon, voicing “We are raising awareness not just money for the home. You all have hearts for Bethesda.’’
Candidates include: Amanda Stone, Shelina Murchison, Christi Pitts, Carla Willingham, Michelle Shaw, Kay Taylor and Andrea DeLoach.
Also, Mrs. Screws, who has been counseling for over 60 years in the outpatient recovery program, announced important events coming up including Bethesda open house from 6-8 p.m. Dec. 9 and participation in three Christmas parades including Waycross, Dec. 10; Blackshear, Dec. 5 and Brantley County, Nahunta, Dec. 3. She thanked former queen Pam Taylor for beginning the parade float interest.
Present at the luncheon, adding their support and enthusiasm were former queens Deanna Hickox, 2022 Queen and 2019 Queen Pam Taylor. (Mrs. Taylor said “Bethesda is like my family now.’’) Each shared that “Sharing the message, all of you are important. You have the opportunity to tell about Bethesda. You all are so appreciated.’’
Bethesda Recovery director Mrs. Sweat greeted everyone with a prayer, commenting, “I thank people for their passion for recovery.
All have lost loved ones to addiction. Is there hope? Yes, there is life after addiction. And, we know addiction is a disease and the stigma of addiction should be taken away.’’
Appreciation was given to clients and friends who provided the delicious salad luncheon and decorated tables with Oscars for “everybody is a winner after addiction.’’
Mrs. Sweat encourages everyone to “be on the look- out for news of the next Mom Prom. Beautiful gown ideas are breezing through the minds of area women as an enthusiastic committee of dedicated volunteers is planning the 2023 “MOM PROM.’’
‘’The prom might be the first one some ladies have ever attended. And, those making plans will wear gowns they have, rent them or shop to their delight,’’ said Bethesda Recovery founder Mrs. Sweat. “This prom night will be attended by ladies, age 18 and up.’’
Mrs. Sweat said. “In this fun and exciting manner, we are ‘changing the world, one prom at a time by honoring women of the area and many others who have been helped in the residential treatment center called Bethesda Recovery.’’
Mrs. Sweat thanked everyone for their support, from volunteers to merchants in the area, adding, “Some women have never experienced the ever-popular Prom Night and we hope many will take advantage of this special time. This is a ladies’ night out for charity in which women wear their old prom gowns, bridesmaids dresses, wedding gowns or formals and dance the night away for a worthy cause.’’
Anyone wanting to take part in planning the 2023 Mom Prom is invited to call Mrs. Sweat at 283-8580 or contact any queen candidate. Besides supporting the queens’ activities, one may also donate in various sponsorship levels. Each level will receive several tickets and advertising with ad space in the Mom Prom program.