(The Pierce County Board of Education discussed and/or voted on the following during their monthly work session, Thursday, December 5 and their regular monthly meeting Monday, December 9.
Calendar for 2025-2026: The board approved the calendar for the 2025-2026 school year under the consent agenda. (See related story.)
Closed session and personnel: The board adjourned into a 13 minute closed session to discuss personnel at Thursday’s meeting. Following the closed session, the board approved hiring Cristy Leverett as system financial specialist, human resources at the central office. The board also accepted the resignations of Kelsey Crawford and Dawn Rowland, custodians at Blackshear Elementary, Shanna Murray, paraprofressional at Midway Elementary, Jane Barrett, school nutrition food assistant at the high school and Melissa Blake, bus driver. The board also approved the retirement of James “Sonny’ Franzen, maintenance.
New positions approved: The board approved two new positions including a 49 percent time gifted teacher at Blackshear Elementary and special education bus monitor. Both positions will be funded using state sources.
Tison welcomed: Perry Tison was welcomed as the new board member for district 2. Tison was appointed to the seat following the resignation of the Rev. Mitch Hall, who moved to a new home outside of the district.
Classified salary schedule: The board approved an amendment to the classified salary schedule to provide more pay to bookkeeepers with advanced degrees.
Consent agenda: The board approved several items under the consent agenda including:
• approval of a non resident student application for a fifth grade student at Midway Elementary.
Reports: Finance Director Melanie Helms gave the system’s financial report. The school system reported revenue of $9.87 million and expenses of $10.76 million through October. The system had $14.47 million in reserves. She reported the system’s sales tax revenue was $212,178 in October, down about $21,000 from September, due to Hurricane Helene. The board approved the financial reports as presented. Facilities director Harbin Farr gave an update on a contingency request for flooring for the old PCHS gymnasium project.
Recognitions: The board recognized retirees including Tina Dixon, paraprofessional at Blackshear Elementary, Jackie Wingate, school nutrition manager Sheree Mobley, central office bookkeeper and human resources manager and James 'Sonny' Franzen, maintenance department. State Senator Russ Goodman (R-Cogdell) recognized Midway Elementary for being named a National ESEA Distinguished School.
Public participation: There was no public participation.
Minutes: The board approved minutes for last month’s meetings.
Information: Superintendent Dara Bennett announced Dec. 20 will be an early release day and schools will be closed for Christmas holidays Dec. 23, 2024-January 3, 2025. Staff development days will be January 6-7,2025. Staff will report, but students will have a holiday. Second semester will begin January 8, 2025. School will also be closed Monday, January 20, 2025 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Next meetings: The next monthly work session will be held at 8 a.m. Thursday, January 9, 2025. The regular meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Monday, January 14, 2025. All meetings will be at the BOE office.