NAHUNTA — County commissioners were told a request for bids has been sent out during its December work session to complete Riverside Road.
“The request for bids are out for the second portion of Riverside road that will be done this month,” said County Manager Joey Cason during Tuesday, December 3 meeting. “As far as taking the bids, we’ll bring those back before y’all the first of the year for the next presentation of finishing that road.
“Once the temperatures are where it will allow it, I’m sure they’ll get started shortly after the first of the year. That will carry Riverside resurfacing all the way to the county line bridge.”
Cason said he had talked with GDOT (Georgia Department of Transportation) officials about moving the project up on their list for the second tier of TSPLOST (ransportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax) money.
“Since we’re getting that project done through LMIG (Local Maintenance & Improvement Grant) money, we’re moving the Britt Still project up. We do have permission from the Corps of Engineers now to start the process on the drainage stuff, and that design work is being done now.
“We should hopefully begin to see progress made on Britt Still shortly after the first of the year. We did have to get that done through GDOT. We don’t see any reason why that won’t be done.”