Charlie Giving Back sets food giveaway Charlie Giving Back community outreach will stage a food giveaway from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, November 23 at E.E. Moore Park.
The first 300 will be served. Recipients need to bring boxes to carry away the items.
Second Baptist taking shoeboxes Second Baptist Church, 301 Tomberlin Road, will be the drop off center for the 2024 National Collection Week (November 1825) for the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox program.
Shoeboxes filled with small personal items and toiletries can be dropped off under the church’s fellowship hall shelter in the rear of the building.
Locally last year, churches and individuals contributed more than 3,000 boxes to the worldwide program.
The church will accept contributions: 10 a.m.noon, today and Friday November 20 and 22; 5-7 p.m., Thursday, November 21; 9-11 a.m., Saturday, November 23; 2-4 p.m., Sunday, November 24; and 7-9 a.m., Monday, November 25.
Call (912) 283-0436.
Gospel of John subject of study Victorious Living Bible Institute is staging a free study of the Gospel of John on Tuesdays.
Bishop Ronald K. Reed serves as facilitator for the 7 p.m. weekly program delivered live via Zoom. The next session is November 12. Renae Sellers is the course coordinator.
Registration is available by visiting www.victoriouslbl. org/events. VLBI is an affiliate of Christian Bible Institute.
For more information, call (833) 884-8880 or visit admissions at
FCA seeks support on Giving Tuesday Okefeonkee Fellowship of Christian Athletes has launched a campaign to utilize #GivingTuesday (December 3) to raise funds to provide a personalized FCA Bible to every senior athlete in Bacon, Brantley, Pierce and Ware counties.
#GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good.
Over the past seven years, it has grown into a global movement that inspires millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.
The area FCA organization needs approximately $6,000 to reach its goal for the Bibles.
Gifts can be given online by visiting onate and clicking on Bible Fund. Checks can be sent payable to FCA at Okefenokee FCA 3319 Katie Drive Blackshear, 31516.
For more information, contact Okefenokee FCA Director Toby Crews at [email protected] or (912) 281-9510.
Grace Episcopal talks Taylor book Grace Episcopal Church, 401 Pendleton Street, will host a book study of The Tide is Now by renowned author and Episcopal Sister Joan Chittitster.
Sessions will be at 6 p.m. each Wednesday. Register at www.gracechurchwaycross. com.
DC Downtown has food ministry DC Downtown Food Ministry offers food items from a 5,000-square foot warehouse at 201 Jenkins Street from 4 to 6 p.m. on Tuesday and 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday.
The ministry serves people from more than a dozen counties in southeast Georgia and north Florida.
Way of Cross EPC has food giveaway Way of the Cross EPC holds a free food and clothing giveaway at 8 a.m. the first Saturday of each month at 512 Lee Avenue.
People should bring a bag or box for items. The first-come, first-served giveaway will next be held December 7.
Items are available from donations by Waycross Food Distributor, Southern Acre Farm, LLC and Charlie’s Chicken.
For information, contact Pastor Mark Howard (904) 507-3054.
Higher Heights has food ministry The food ministry of Higher Heights True Word of God offers items from 9 to 11 a.m., the first Thursday of each month at 979 Tebeau Street.
Next giveaway is December 5. Serve one, save one is the mission of the ministry.
The program is accepting donations.
For information or to donate, call (912) 2863189. Pastors are Apostle Dr. Artie Smith and Deacon Henry Smith.
Sellers family has holiday food Sat.
The 17th annual Bertha Sellers Community Thanksgiving dinner will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, November 23 at 702 Ossie Davis Parkway.
The free dinner, which is presented by the Upper Room Outreach Ministries, Inc., is open to the public.