District 2 City Commissioner Sheinita Bennett lives in a tight knit community near her 101-yearold grandmother, her parents and her mental challenged adult brother, all of whom lost power.
Due to the family’s special requirements, 78year-old patriarch Frankie Bennett needed to fast track getting electricity. He purchased, installed and wired a power pole in order for Georgia Power restore service more quickly.
“My dad is a super dad,” says Bennett. “He made sure people in the neighborhood were taken care of. We cut down limbs and moved debris. We pretty much put others before ourselves.”
As a commissioner, Bennett said she does not take her seat just to collect a pay check or to be pretty.
“The last storm we had, I was out there,” she said. “I try to be hands on and let everyone know what’s going on. I love what I do, I love the people. If they need me, call me. My numbers are 912-287-2912 or text 912-281-2536.”