Special to the WJH
Waycross Aglow Lighthouse welcomes Terrie Ward as guest speaker for its 10 a.m. service, Saturday, September 14 at Our Beloved Church, 1700 Osceola Avenue.
Ward was born again at the age of 12, and recommitted her life to Christ in her 20s.
The speaker graduated from Charis Bible College’s leadership training program in 2020. She presently leads a Bible study that was established in 2012.
At Beaches Chapel in Neptune Beach she serves as a greeter and teaches the kindergarten/First Grade class. Ward also serves in leadership at the Jacksonville Beach Women’s Aglow Lighthouse.
She has been in the nail industry since 1993, and God has used this venue in her life to minister to her clients. Her heart is to encourage women to seek God’s kingdom, to see them healed and set free to fulfill the destiny God has for them.
Ward and her husband, Eric, are from Jacksonville. They are the parents of four and also have three grandchildren.