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Friday, March 21, 2025 at 7:29 AM

Community News

Hospice Satilla sets grief support class Hospice Satilla will hold a five-week grief support program on Thursdays beginning next month.

The group will meet from 6 to 7 p.m. beginning September 5 at the Carl Jones Family Counseling Center, 809 Beacon Street. The program is free and open to the public.

Successive sessions will be held September 12, 19, 26 and October 3. For more information, call (912) 590-1231.

Debate set Sept. 10 for D-1 candidates Rhomulambda Alpha will stage a debate for the candidates for the District 1 seat on the Waycross City Commission at 6 p.m., Tuesday, September 10 at the Stephens Venue, 773 Ossie Davis Pkwy.

Willie E. Oliver, Shawn L. Roberts and Jené E. Walker have qualified to seek the seat in the General Election November 5. The seat has been vacant since the March death of longtime Commissioner Norman E. Davis.

Jacobs family has reunion Sept. 15 The Jacobs family will hold a reunion at 11 a.m. Sunday, September 15 in the cafeteria of Hoboken Elementary School, 224 Church Street.

Attendees should bring a covered dish for the meal, which will be spread shortly after noon. For information, call Tina Walker at (912) 286-1613.

Ware BOE to meet September 9-10 The Ware County Board of Education will meet for its regular monthly meetings on Monday-Tuesday, September 9-10.

Both the work session on Monday and the business meeting on Tuesday will be at 6 p.m. at the board offices, 1301 Bailey Street. Both are open to the public.

Tuesday’s session will be live-streamed. To locate the Livestream link, visit www.ware.k12.ga.us, click Menu, and select Board of Education Meeting Livestreams.

The meeting agenda is posted prior to the meeting, and the minutes are posted as well, on the system web page at www.ware.k12.ga.us under the District and e-Board links.

Senior Dance slated Sept. 14

The Ware County Recreation Department holds its annual Senior Dance from 7 to 10 p.m., Saturday, September 14 at the Trembling Earth Sports Complex, 2110 Recreation Drive.

Admission is $7 per person with doors open at 6 p.m. There will be a disc jockey, light refreshments, a 50-50 raffle and much more.

For information call (912) 287-4488 or 4491.

Action Pact board meets Sept. 16 The Executive Board of Action Pact will meet at 10 a.m., Monday, September 16 at “Sarah’s in the City,” 1686 Golden Isle West, Baxley.

For information, call (912) 288-7548.

Grant writing info offered Sept. 12 The TRUST is partnering with Share Health Southeast Georgia to provide a grant writing workshop, from 10 a.m. to noon, Thursday, September 12 at Southern Crown Partners, 6200 Bowen Road, Blackshear.

The seminar will provide participants with information on how to identify the most promising funders for their projects. Coffee and snacks will be provided.

Advance registration is required for the 25 spots available . To register, visit https://www.eventbrite.c om/e/grant-writingworkshop- finding-funders- for-your-project-tick e t s 981869035717?aff=oddtdtcreator.

Email trustpartnership. [email protected] or bbruno@sharehealthsega. org for information.

Voter registration drive set Sept. 21 Porter Healthcare Solutions and 100 Black Men of Excellence will stage a voter registration drive at 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, September 21 at Bailey Street Park.

There will be food, games and activities for children. There will be candidate informationals, as well as a voter verification and registration table, in addition to a DJ, and a “pop-up shop” of professional businesses and services. Call (912) 288-1024.

‘Meet-n-Greet’ set for Hewitt Sept. 6 There will be a “Meet ‘n’ Greet” for Democratic First Congressional District candidate Patti Hewitt from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, September 6 at the Stephens Venue, 773 Ossie Davis Parkway. The event is open to the public.

Ware GOP holds meeting Sept. 16 The Ware County Republican Party holds its monthly meeting Monday, September 16, at campaign headquarters, 960 A-B City Boulevard, Waycross.

The doors will open at 5 p.m. with various campaign activities scheduled such as phone banking, writing postcards, poll worker registration, and using the Trump Force 47 campaign program for door to door canvassing. Call/text (912) 282-5551 .


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