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Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 9:25 PM

Community News

‘Meet-n-Greet’ set for Hewitt Sept. 6 There will be a “Meet ‘n’ Greet” for Democratic First Congressional District candidate Patti Hewitt from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, September 6 at the Stephens Venue, 773 Ossie Davis Parkway.

The event is open to the public.

Amvets Post 621 announces meeting

The C.C. Stephens An vets Post 621 meets at 9 a.m. the second Saturday of each month at the post on Ossie Davis Parkway.

The next meeting is September 14.

Amvets is open to all retired veterans in the area.

The new An vet Riders Chapter will meet at 10 a.m. and the women’s auxiliary group will meet at 11 a.m.

For more information, contact Glenn Wiederman by email at greywolfwoodworks@ mailto:[email protected] icloud.com or [email protected] or at (912) 674-4471.

Bicentennial seeks Waresboro input The Ware County Bicententennial Committee is seeking volunteers and venue sites in Waresboro for the upcoming bicentennial celebration.

Waresboro is the original county seat of Ware County, and the committee is hoping to find a venue to accommodate the events.

Contact Roy Rhodes at (912) 550-3082.

Chamber seeks hosts for events

The Waycross-Ware County Chamber of Commerce is compiling a list of hosts for Rise ‘n’ Shine and Business After Hours meetings for 2025.

Rise ‘n’ Shine is held at 7:45 a.m. and Business After Hours at 5 p.m., each once every month.

Businesses interested in holding one or both can email President and CEO Paige Brand at paige@waycrosschamber. org.


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