Special to The Beacon The Brantley County School System is proud to announce the achievement and status of the Georgia School Boards Association’s (GSBA) 2024 Exemplary School Board recognition.
This recognition highlights the board’s commitment to continuous improvement, transparency, and collaboration, all of which play a key role in enhancing educational opportunities for every student in the district.
The Georgia School Boards Association (GSBA) honors school boards that demonstrate strong governance, helping to create a positive educational culture that supports student learning and achievement.
The school board exceeded the criteria set forth by GSBA to earn the honor of a 2024 Exemplary Board. The criteria is:
• Strategic Planning ∞ A System Strategic Plan has been adopted, is currently being implemented, and includes a balanced scorecard or the accountability system your school district utilizes.
• Georgia Vision for Public Education ∞ The board has approved the Vision Resolution and incorporated at least 15 of the Georgia Vision school district recommendations into the system’s Strategic Plan.
• Governance Team Self-Assessment ∞ The Governance Team conducts a TEAM self-assessment, which must include the superintendent (each person must complete the instrument related to the team’s performance, not each individual’s performance) and then an Exemplary Committee (EC) conducts an assessment.
∞ The board will review the EC recommendations for further consideration. (GSBA Governance Team Self-Assessment instrument or equivalent instrument may be used.)
∞ The Exemplary Committee consists of, as a minimum, two community stakeholders, two board members, and a central office administrator.
• Superintendent Evaluation (GA Code § 20-2-21) ∞ The annual Superintendent Evaluation Instrument, as a minimum, incorporates some of the Strategic Plan District Goals. (GSBA Superintendent Evaluation Instrument or equivalent instrument can be used.)
• Local Board of Education Training Requirements
∞ All board members have met the State Board of Education annual training requirements, and ALL board members have exceeded the annual training requirements by a minimum of three additional credit hours. (18 hours for new board members; 12 hours for veteran members.)
NOTE: An exception may be made for new board members sworn in January 2024. They may qualify if they receive their 15 hours of State Board of Education required training.
The Governance Team has established, formally adopted, and abides by written Governance Team Board Norms and Protocols. These must be reviewed and approved annually.
• Accreditation
∞ The local board of education and school district comply with the standards of all selected accreditation associations applicable.
• Board Member Ethics
∞ All board members will abide by their local Code of Ethics Policy.
Review the Code of Ethics Policy annually at a board of education meeting.
Address any infractions by members as per board policy.
• Fiscal Responsibility ∞ Annually adopt a balanced budget. ∞ Regular review/updates of district finances by the governance leadership team in public meetings.
∞ Develop an annual budget calendar that includes public meetings and public input.
∞ Align the budget to the school district’s strategic plan.
∞ Identify whether a school district is on the SB68 GaDOE moderate/high-risk audit list.
• Recognition Consideration and/or Removal ∞ The governance team is not eligible for board recognition if a district is under Cognia special review citing potential irregularities.
∞ If the majority of your board has turned over during the cycle (July 1 – June 30), you must wait one year to apply for recognition.
∞ The applications will undergo a thorough evaluation, and recognition will be contingent upon their adherence to the information provided for each category. If the board does not function as described in the submission, it may not be eligible for recognition.
∞ GSBA reserves the right to deny any district recognition for cause.
The GSBA Governance Team Recognition Program was developed by Georgia superintendents and board members based on the state board of education’s standards for effective governance to recognize exemplary leadership.
In 1998, the Georgia School Boards Association was one of the first school board associations in the nation to develop a program of standards for local boards of education.
The GSBA Board recognition program is a three-tiered program.
For more information on the GSBA award categories, you may visit the GSBA website for awards and recognition to view the criteria for all tiers of the program.