EDITOR’S NOTE: The Brantley Beacon receives the Sheriff’s Report from the Brantley County Sheriff’s Office. We are not at liberty to change any facts in the reports that are sent to us.
If there is an error in the report, contact the Brantley County’s Sheriff’s Office.
• DUI, Tag Light Required, Window, Windshield or Wiper Violation: Alan Etheriedge, 34, was arr ested Monday, September 2 and charged with DUI, Tag Light Required and Wind ow, Windshield or Wiper Violation. (GSP)
• DUI, Failure to Maintain Lane, No Tag, Possession of Open Alc ohol Con tainer: Chester Kirby, 37, was arr ested and charged September 2 with DUI, Failure to Maintain Lane, No Tag, and Possession of Open Alcohol Container. (GSP)
• DUI, No Insurance Allowing Uninsured to Drive, Driving While License Suspended or Revoked, Headlight Requirements, Knowingly Driving Motor Vehicle on Suspended Canceled or Revoked Registration: Shelly Lyons, 55, was arr ested Monday, September 2 and charged with DUI, No Insurance All owing uninsured to drive, Driving While License Suspended or Revoked, Headlight Requirements and Knowingly Driving Motor Vehicle on Suspended Canceled or revoked Registration. (GSP)
• Disorderly Conduct: Scarlett Montogomery, 20, was arrested and charged Septembher 2 with Disorderly Conduct. Brantl e y County deputies responded to a call in the 15,000 block of Highway 32 in reference to Physical Altercation.
• No Proof of Insurance: Jessica Skipper, 27, was arrested Monday, September 2 and charged with No Proof of Insurance.
Brantl e y County deputies conducted a traffic stop on Highway 82 in reference to vehicle not having insurance.
• DUI, Failure to Maintain Lane: Adam Phillips, 39, was arrested and charged September 2 with DUI and Failure to Maintain Lane. (GSP)
• Speeding, Marijuana Possession Less Than 1 Oz.: Bryan Croskey, 35, was arrested Monday, September 2 and charged with Speeding and Marij uana Possession Less Than 1 Oz. (GSP)
• Outstanding Parole Viol ation: Joshua Sellers, 40, was arrested Wednesday, September 4 on an outstanding Parole Violation.
• Outstanding Parole Viol ation: Benley Harris, 27, was arrested Thursday, September 5 on an outstanding Parole Violation.
• Outstanding Prob ation warrant: Thomas Bell, 42 was arr ested September 5 on an outstanding Probation warrant.
• Outstanding Prob ation warrant: Kelly Douberly, 32, was arrested Thursday, September 5 on an outstanding Probation warrant.
• Disorderly Conduct: Patrick Seitz, 55, was arr ested September 5 and charged with Diso rderly Conduct. Brantl e y County deputies responded to a call in the 270 block of Plantation Circle in reference to an altercation.
• Outstanding Prob ation war rant: Ang els Won setler, 45, was arr ested Thursday, September 5 on an outstanding Probation warrant.
• Outstanding Prob ation warrant: Joshua Crews, 33, was arrested Friday, September 6 on an outstanding Probation warrant.
• Outstanding Terroristic Threats and Acts warrant: Kimberly Chesser, 37, was arrested September 6 on an Outstanding Terroristic Threats and Acts Warrant.
• Disorderly Conduct: Leon Blount, 35, was arrested Saturday, September 7 and charged with Diso rderly Conduct.
Brantl e y County deputies responded to Highway 520 in front of the airport in reference to a vehicle sitting in ditch.
• Possession and Use of Drug Related Objects, Possession of a Schedule II Controlled Substance, Giving False Name, Address, or Birthdate to Law Enforcement Officer: Rachel Griffin, 23, was arrested and charged with Poss ession and Use of Drug Related Objects, Possession of a Schedule II Cont rolled Substance and Giving False Name, Address, or Birthdate to Law Enforcement Officer.
Brantley County deputies conducted a traffic stop on Highway 259 in refence to a wanted subject.
• Outstanding Probation warrant: Ashley Hen dricks, 42, was arr ested Sunday, September 8 on an outstanding Probation warrant.
• Hit and Run, DUI, Criminal Trespass, Driving While License Suspended or Revoked: Kevin Mobley, 27, was arrested September 8 and charged with Hit and Run, DUI, Criminal Trespass and Driving While License Suspended or Revoked.
Brantley County deputies responded to a call in the 100 block of Pine Bark Road in reference to filing a report.

















