EDITOR’S NOTE: The Brantley Beacon receives the Sheriff’s Report from the Brantley County Sheriff’s Office. We are not at liberty to change any facts in the reports that are sent to us.
If there is an error in the report, contact the Brantley County’s Sheriff’s Office.
• Battery, Terroristic Threats and Acts: Wilbur Buckley, 61, was arr ested Monday, August 5 and charged with Battery and Terroristic Threats and Acts.
• Disorderly Conduct: Kimberly Chesser, 37, was arr ested Tuesday, August 6 and charged with Disorderly Conduct.
Brantley County deputies responded to a call in the 50 block of Deer Run Trail.
• Disorderly Conduct: Breanna Pierrain, 24, was arr ested Wednesday, August 7 and charged with Disorderly Conduct.
Brantley County deputies responded to a call in the RS Circle in reference to a female in roadway.
• Aggravated Assault: Thomas Costa, 21, was arrested Friday, August 9 and charged with Aggravated Assault.
Brantley County deputies responded to a call in the 90 block of Krom Circle in reference to physical domestic.
• Battery - Family Violence: Zanyja Brock, 19, was arrested and charged August 9 with Battery- Family Violence.
Brantley County deputies responded to a call in the 90 block of Krom Circle in reference to a physical domestic.
• DUI, Failure to Maintain Lane: Justin Strickland, 31, was arrested Satu rday, August 10 and charged with DUI and Failure to Maintain Lane.
• DUI: Lori Walters, 51, was arrested and charged August 10 with DUI.
Brantley County deputies responded to the 10 block of Happy Hollow in reference to verbal dispute.
• DUI, Possession of Open Alcohol Cont ainer, Failure to Maintain Lane, Driving Without Valid Lic ense: Quanshard Dukes, 32, was arrested Sunday, August 11 and charged with DUI, Possession of Open Alcohol Container, Failure to Maintain Lane, and Driving Without Valid License.
• DUI, Possession of Open Alcohol Cont ainer: Georgia Mendez, 27, was arrested August 11 and charged with DUI, and Possession of Open Alcohol Container.
Courtesy Brantley County Sheriff’s Office








