Waycross Aglow Lighthouse welcomes special guest speaker Rick Oglesby of Ellabell, at 10 a.m. Saturday, November 9, at Our Bel oved Church sanctuary, 1700 Osceola Avenue, Waycross. Oglesby has been married 39 years to his wife, Joy, and is blessed to have four children and eight grandchildren, with a ninth due in January, 2025. He is currently working as project manager for Dream Finders Homes and is the founder and apostolic leader of Kingdom Ministries. He was born and raised in the Methodist Church, saved and filled with the Holy Spirit in the early 1980s, and pastored in the United Methodist Church for 16 years.
He was called by God to leave the Methodist Church. He then formed Kingdom Ministries and established The Refuge of King’s Bay, a shelter for homeless men. After five years in this ministry, he was led of God to step out of full-time ministry, entering once again into the workplace.
The ensuing nineteen years have been a deeply spiritual journey of discovering the reality of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the truth of what it means to “Be the Church”.
“We invite all to come share at God’s table with us as we hear of Rick’s journey with the Lord Jesus and how God has used him in many venues to bring glory to the Kingdom of God and to help the body of Christ grow closer to Him and to the call on our lives in such a times as this, said Rosalind Eskew of Aglow. “This is Rick’s statement for this article: “Out of the spiritual nature comes the desire for maturity, fullness, and adulthood. To know true wisdom and the gifts of God, the presence of the Holy Spirit is mandatory. We have to understand the calling. Do you know who you are?”