The October 17 ribbon cutting for the Child Development Center YMCA (CDC-YMCA) in Blackshear marked the end of one era and the beginning of another. The former Lollipop Daycare is now part of the YMCA. YMCA Executive Director Rusty Hall noted the long tradition of quality childcare at Lollipop under the guidance of the Dowling family. With a commemorative plaque honoring young Caroline Dowling, Hall said the Dowlings would always be welcome at the facility. Hall said he was excited for YMCA to finally have a presence in Pierce County beyond their after school programs. Pictured above (l-r) are Leslie Dowling, David Dowling, Cindy Dowling, Amy Fountain, Rusty Hall, Teresa Young, Eddie Vergara, Renee Popham, Jenny Bates and Jeana Griffin.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 5:26 PM