Bids are now being accepted for the construction of a new Otter Creek Fire Station.
Commissioners approved advertising for bids for construction of the new station at their regular meeting October 15. One last minute change to the bid specifications was approved by the commissioners at that meeting. Earlier proposals required one central floor drain, but the county commission amended it to require a floor drain for each of the vehicle bays, coming to a total of four.
A bid notice is included in today’s edition of The Times.
Plans call for the construction of a 4,000 square foot facility with four roll up bay doors to accommodate a minimum of four fire trucks or other fire fighting apparatus. There will be also be a small office space, bathroom and a shower area for decontamination.
Built with an eye toward possible future expansion, the new Otter Creek structure will be the largest fire station in Pierce County.
The current Otter Creek station is not large enough to house some fire vehicles and has aged to the point that it needs to be replaced. The new building will be constructed on property formerly owned by Gordon and Phyllis Raulerson. One unique stipulation of the land purchase was made by seller Phyllis Raulerson— a plaque commemorating her late husband and his civic minded nature is to be displayed prominently somewhere near the new fire station.
Originally proposed by former Pierce County Fire Chief Santo Niño, the new facility will be located near the old station at the corner of Owens and Stanfield Roads in the Otter Creek Community.
Funds from the special purpose local option sales tax will be used fund its construction.