Kairos Prison Ministry, an international organization that brings hope and healing to incarcerated individuals, is actively recruiting volunteers to serve at Coffee Correctional Facility, a men’s prison located at 1153 Liberty Street, Nicholls, GA.
Kairos is a lay-led, interdenominational Christian ministry focused on bringing Christ’s love and forgiveness to people behind bars and their families. Kairos volunteers take participants on a 3day journey inside the prison that revolves around prayer, worship, and Bible study followed by once-a-month reunions.
“Volunteers are the backbone of Kairos Prison Ministry,” said Teresa Deaton, a 9-year volunteer with Kairos at Emanuel Women’s Facility in Swainsboro. “I believe you touch the very heart of God when you reach out to those that the world considers ‘the least of these,’ some of whom have been forgotten by family and friends. As beacons of hope, volunteers leave prisons being blessed much more than the incarcerated individuals we serve.”
Kairos’s positive impact includes: · Lower recidivism rates for Kairos graduates · Safer prison populations · Broken cycles of crime within families To serve at Coffee Correctional, volunteers must be male, undergo volunteer training through the Georgia Department of Corrections, and attend Kairos training sessions.
To learn more about volunteering with Kairos Prison Ministry at Coffee Correctional, please contact Ana Ivey at kairoscoffee1153@ gmail.com
call 404-313-3171.