(The Patterson City Council discussed and/or voted on the following items during their monthly meeting Thursday, September 19. The meeting was delayed a week due to a scheduling conflict.)
Millage rate: The council approved setting the city’s millage rate at 7.996 mills. The rate is the same as last year. A public hearing was held prior to the vote, but no citizens were present to comment on the millage. The budget will be finalized next month.
Hyers Street, Second Avenue and Drawdy Street projects: Mayor Dedi Thomas reported to the council about a recent meeting with the Georgia Department of Transportation regarding improvements to Hyers Street and Second Avenue and Drawdy Street. (See related story.)
U.S. Highway 84 public hearing: Mayor Thomas announced a public hearing would be held at 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 10 to receive input on a request to rezone a tract on U.S. Highway 84 between Circle K and Dollar General. (See related story.)
Lights at the football field: The council tabled purchasing and installing lights at the football field. Councilman Jake Echols said he needed more information on the cost of the work before approving the item. Boyette Electric has offered to donate concrete poles, but the poles will need to be set. He gave an estimate for the lights, but could not give a specific amount on the installation and labor costs until he can determine the scope of the work. The council has approximately $58,000 from the 2014 special purpose local option sales tax (SPLOST) that can be spent on the item. The city has an agreement with the Pierce County Recreation Department for use of the fields. Thomas said he wanted to upgrade the tennis courts and Echols said the gym roof needs to be repaired, both agreed the football field lights need to be fixed first.
Tax commissioner’s agreement: The council approved renewing an agreement with the Pierce County Tax Commissioner’s Office for the collection of city taxes. The tax commissioner charges 1.5 percent of the total collected as the fee for performing the service.
Closed session: The city council adjourned into an eight minute closed session to discuss personnel. No action was taken following the closed session. (A closed session was to discuss personnel was also held during a called meeting Thursday, August 28.)
Department reports: Police Chief Nick Strickland reported his department responded to 54 calls for service in August. Strickland is also acting as public works superintendent and fire chief while Public works superintendent and fire chief Stevie Sweat is out on medical leave. Strickland said there were no fire calls in August and public works is running smoothly. Assistant City Clerk Tina White had nothing to report.
Ryland Environmental: Richard Lee, division manager for Ryland Environmental, came before the council to ask for a report on his company’s service to citizens of Patterson. Mayor Thomas and the council said they are pleased with Ryland’s Service.
General comments: Mayor Thomas announced he has signed a contract for road striping on Tyre Bridge Road. There is no timetable for when the striping will be done. Councilman David Smith asked that a dirt pile at the softball fields be removed. He said it has pine trees growing in it and is an eyesore. Acting public works superintendent Strickland said he would look into the problem.
Next meeting: The next regular monthly meeting will be at 5 p.m. Thursday, October 10. The meeting will be held at Eagle Station.