Over 700 members and friends had “double the celebration” Sunday, Sept. 15, at Blackshear First Baptist Church on Main Street. It was Homecoming Celebration, highlighted by the joyful occasion of pastor, the Rev. Dr. Justin Gambrell on his 40th birthday.
Comments from the pastor and family, “We absolutely love Blackshear and the surrounding communities,” along with a grand southern feast for everyone and gala decorations in the large church fellowship hall made the morning occasion one to long remember.
After congratulating the pastor on his special day and sharing the southern foods (ham, potato salad, green beans, rolls) from the church social committee and desserts provided by the church family, a special table was visited where hundreds of birthday cards were in a tall box to honor the pastor.
A Happy Birthday sign, 40th glistening fibers, a tall chocolate cake topped with the number 40 and other birthday symbols highlighted the table, covered with a black cloth. Along with the memorable meal, church family members enjoyed conversation and welcoming friends to the enjoyable occasion.
The dinner followed the morning worship service featuring as speaker, the Rev. Danny Singleton of Crosspoint Baptist Church, Cleveland, TN. “Amy and our children thank members of the church social committee who decorated, cooked and served the foods. We are thankful for them and their hard work,” Dr. Gambrell said.
Along with his wife Amy Gambrell, the pastor said, “God has brought us home.” Their family includes children Jackson, Colson and Madison. Dr. Gambrell has served two and a half years at this church.