Chronicles of
Editor’s note: Miss Scarlett had some things she had to attend to and will return shortly. This column is a reprint from July, 2021.
Dear Readers,
It is that time of year once again, back to school time. Now is the time to show your children’s teachers how much you appreciate and value them. Don’t wait till the end of the year by “honoring” them with a cutesy coffee mug sporting an apple and a “world’s greatest teacher” slogan stamped on the side (such tokens usually end up at the nearest thrift store). Do something to show those teachers they are highly valued. Volunteer (we used to call them “room mothers”), give them a gift card, offer to have their car detailed. The possibilities are endless! I have often wondered why our society condones millions of salary dollars to sports figures every year but pays teachers so little by comparison. If you have an answer to that question, please contact me.
One of the teachers who holds a fond place in my heart and memory is Mrs. Pearl Garrett. She was the English teacher at our small, country high school. She taught both my parents early in her career and all seven of my siblings and I toward the end of her teaching years. I can still see her sitting at her desk drinking coffee from her plaid Aladdin thermos jug while we took our turns reciting the Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address or The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner! She had the art of instilling a desire for excellence in her students. We had no idea at the time she was teaching us discipline that would be a helpful tool in college and throughout our adult lives. She was stern, poised and confident in what she did and had our undying respect. She had a very engaging, but infrequent, smile that transformed her.
I must share one of my incidents that finally produced that sought-after smile. Our high school did not have air conditioning. Consequently, the doors at the end of the hallway were frequently left open to provide some breezes. One warm morning as I was busy reading with my head buried in my literature book, I heard muffled giggles behind me. When I looked up, to my horror there at my feet sat Jill (our family dog). Not only had she walked over half a mile to “find” me, but she also brought several of her most recent bulldog pups with her! To say I was mortified would be an understatement. Mrs. Garrett calmly motioned me to take Jill and pups outside, but not before I caught a glimpse of that slightly crooked smile!
Mrs. Pearl, you taught me so much more than English and Literature. I hope I have “done you proud.” Sincerely,
Please send your questions to: scarlettodara5 or through postal mail to: Scarlett O’Dara, 902 Elizabeth St., Waycross, GA 31503.