(The Pierce County Board of Education discussed and/or voted on the following during their monthly work session, Thursday, August 1 and their regular monthly meeting Monday, August 5.)
Library funding request: The board declined to approve funding for the Pierce County Library. (See related story.)
Bus Where software: The board approved renewing its bus tracking software. (See related story.)
Closed session and personnel: The board adjourned into a 12 minute closed session to discuss personnel at Thursday’s meeting. No action was taken after the session. After the closed session, the board voted to hire Audrey Watkins as a part-time school nutrition assistant at Blackshear Elementary, Brianna Raithel as a paraprofessional at the middle school and Karla Harris, Howard Jarrett and Amber Steedley as bus drivers. Mark Walker was approved as an assistant football coach at the high school.
The board also approved the resignation of Leanna Pettyjohn, a paraprofessional at the middle school.
Federal programs monitor contract: The board approved renewing a contract with Sonya Mixon to monitor the implementation of federal programs.
Non resident student application: The board approved a nonresident student application for a junior at the high school.
Consent agenda: The board approved several items under the consent agenda.
They include:
• approval of an agreement with Action Pact Head Start for the school system to provide school meals to the Pierce County Head Start program.
• approval of a memorandum of understanding with the Childers Family YMCA in Waycross for providing afterschool care at Patterson Elementary.
• approval of a contract with Ware County to provide Project SEARCH program services in Pierce County Schools. Project SEARCH assists special education students with academic support and helps them with their career paths.
• approval for sixth grade students at the middle school to go to NASA and Epcot in FL Jan. 2931, 2025. All out-of-town field trips require board approval.
• approval of fundraiser requests for the Pierce County 4-H program.
Reports: Finance Director Melanie Helms gave the system’s financial report. The school system reported revenue of $45.81 million and expenses of $44.13 million through June. The system had $15.72 million in reserves. She reported the system’s sales tax revenue was $235,320 in June, up $18,o00 from May. The board approved the financial reports as presented. Facilities director Harbin Farr reported that demolition of the old Pierce County High School is almost complete as the block has been ground up. The fences around the site have been taken down except for those around the gym renovation. He also noted the central office’s roof has been replaced due to storm damage. “We have basically a new $10,000 roof by only paying the $2,500 deductible. Farr also reported the system’s facilities are ready to go for the new year.
Special recognition: The board recognized the Lady Bears state golf champions.
(See related story.)
Public participation: There was no public participation.
Minutes: The board approved minutes for last month’s meetings.
Information: Superintendent Dara Bennett announced schools will be closed for students Sept. 2 for Labor Day and Sept. 3 for a professional development day. Staff will report for work Sept. 3.
Next meetings: The next monthly work session will be held at 8 a.m. Thursday, September 5. The regular meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Monday, September 9. All meetings will be at the BOE office.