The South Georgia Daylily Society in Blackshear wrapped up a successful year with a lovely picnic recently at the home of Vickie and Blair Vincent.
Members were able to arrive early and our hostess eagerly showed us around her garden. Many flowers were in full bloom and the colors were gorgeous. Daylilies come in a rainbow of colors and the Vincents’ yard was covered in the hues of the rainbow. Each plant has a specific shape and understanding and appreciating that shape is key to good garden design. The Vincents’ have spent many hours designing their flower beds.
Approximately 30 members attended the picnic and everyone brought a dish to share for the evening meal. Each table was decorated with an arrangement of daylilies shared by Vickie and other members of the club. The club presented a gift to Vickie as the outgoing president. Members also brought some of their own plants to sell to raise money for the club.
Meetings will resume in September. Members are all looking forward to another wonderful year with many exciting guest speakers and new members.
The club meets the third Tuesday of each month at First Baptist Church in Blackshear and new members are invited to join.
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”