Ramah Church Road will be resurfaced and have drainage improvements and about 100 miles of the county’s roads will be striped in coming months.
The county is currently seeking bids on both projects. Bids are due Wednesday, Oct. 5. See public notice in today’s edition.
The Ramah Road Project will include replacing drainage lines and piping on the roadway and resurfacing two tenths of a mile of roadway.
The Ramah Church Road leads in to the Ramah Cemetery off of Horseshoe Road in the Mershon area.
The road striping project will include striping improvements to about 100 miles of roadways in the county.
Both projects will be funded by the County’s Transportation Investment Act (TIA) Local Discretionary fund account.
Once the bids are awarded and a notice to proceed is given, the work should be completed in four months.