The Waycross Journal-Herald’s Christmas tradition, known as the Empty Stocking Fund, begins its 2022 drive with money in the donation plate.
Two donations were received after last year’s $12,215 were disbursed, enabling this year’s effort to begin with a $320 balance. So the fund, which raisesmoney for those who find themselves facing circumstances whereby there is a lack of sufficient resources for their short-term situation, is off to a great start.
Contributions for the program will be accepted through the month of December.
Donations to the fund may be delivered from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., weekdays to the Journal-Herald office at 311 Carswell Avenue or mailed to:
Empty Stocking Fund,
311 Carswell Avenue,
Waycross, Ga., 31501
A weekly progress report of the fund will appear on Page 1 of the newspaper.
Please, won’t you decide to make a difference today? Call (912) 283-2244 to make a gift.