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Saturday, February 22, 2025 at 4:57 AM

Pierce Co. gets safety grant

Pierce County was recently awarded a $2,500 Employee Safety Grant from the ACCG -Group Self-Insurance Workers’ Compensation Fund (ACCG-GSIWCF). The Employee Safety Grants are available to Fund members that are fostering a culture of workplace safety through additional training, equipment or services.

The funds will be used to purchase items such as safety gear for the volunteer fire departments, batteries for AED machines and traffic cones and barrels for the road department.

The ACCG-GSIWCF Board of Trustees allotted $1.5 million in grant funds over a three-year period, with $500,000 available to eligible members in 2022.

“We are pleased to offer this grant program to assist members in their safety efforts,” said ACCG-GSIWCF Board of Trustees Chairman and McDuffie County Commissioner Frederick Favors. “The opportunity to receive the Employee Safety Grant is one of the many benefits of participation in this member-owned workers’ compensation program.”

The ACCG-GSIWCF provides workers’ compensation insurance to more Georgia county governments than all other insurers combined and has assets of approximately $289 million. Since 1985, the program has returned $109 million in dividends to the membership.

Loss control services are provided to all members of the workers’ compensation program through Local Government Risk Management Services (LGRMS), a non-profit agency operated jointly with the Georgia Municipal Association. Each member appoints a Safety Coordinator to work with LGRMS to create and maintain safe working environments for government officials, employees and volunteers.

ACCG is Georgia’s County Association and was formed in 1914 when county officials came together to help fund the state’s first highway department.

ACCG works on behalf of county officials and their communities by providing public policy and legislative advocacy, leadership development, civic and community engagement initiatives, insurance and retirement programs that specialize in local government needs and other cost-saving programs. ACCG today serves as a catalyst for advancing Georgia’s counties. For more information, go to www.accg.org.


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