Editor, The Times,
Our community is so blessed with many unsung heroes who go beyond what anyone is asked to do. Daryl Hunter is known throughout Pierce County’s communities, especially in the world of sports. He is an avid coach to so many athletes. He volunteers so much of his time to the younger generations, encouraging them to stay positive on and off the field. Daryl is passionate about our recreation program and a cheerleader for all Bear athletes, from the little ones to the ones who play under those Friday Night Lights to the ones who are now playing for college teams. Volunteers like Daryl Hunter are one of the many reasons we have so many successful winning sports teams in this area. I am blessed to be able to call Daryl a friend and also a mentor. I encourage you all to extend a “thank you” to Daryl Hunter for his many years of volunteering and to go out and be a Daryl in our community. We need more strong men like Daryl to keep us Pierce Strong.
Rev. Mitch Hall