Patriotism in its most simple, humble and meaningful form was on full display Friday as Hoboken Elementary School students and staff paid tribute to the men and women who have served and sacrificed for the freedoms held dear by American citizens.
Stephanie Boyd, principal, welcomed the crowd gathered in the school’s gymnasium for the annual program to hear music, written tributes by the students and a special thanks from Patsy Harris, who works along with her committee each year to make sure these heroes are remembered for their duty, loyalty and sacrifice.
The colors were presented by members of the Brantley County Jr. ROTC as students Jacob Highsmith, Johnny Bischert and Xavier Hutto led the group in the Pledge to the Flag.
The National Anthem was proudly performed by a group of students including Madelyn Baxley, Sara Kate Rentz, Kaydance James, Bish Allen, Layla Lawrence and Conner Edwards.
Students in the first and second grades thrilled the crowd with their rousing performance of “Thank You Soldiers.” The invocation was offered by Alex Keen.
Students offering tributes in writing to thank the veterans and their families included Layla Lawrence, Johnnie Cravey, Holland Gunter, Ally Taylor, Raegan Stephens, Adrianna Hester and Anistsyn Coffey. Each of them had written a powerful essay on what Veterans Day and the heroes of the military mean to them and read them to the audience.
Third and sixth grade students were featured in singing “Grateful Nation” and “You’re A Grand Old Flag.”
Members of the audience were honored by military branch as Harris asked those to stand who served in the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Marines and the U.S. Coast Guard. Each group was thanked and given round of applause.
“We are here to remember those who gave all they had that all men might continue to enjoy the freedoms of life that God intended,” said Harris. “Our country was founded on freedom of speech, freedom of religion and other aspects of life. Our soldiers and God went to war because our freedoms were being taken away. Our freedoms are being taken right here by the government and other people.”
Harris continued her presentation by saying that as American patriots, “... we must return to One Nation Under God, we must vote and we must pray, pray, pray!”
She stressed fear that children and grandchildren of freedom-loving Americans may never know the freedoms that have been enjoyed in years past.
“No other country or people enjoy the freedoms like Americans do,” said Harris. “It is easy to take liberty for granted if it’s never there for you.”
She honored several from Brantley County and the Hoboken area who gave the ultimate sacrifice in dying for their country, many of them just boys at the beginning of their lives. Those included Curtis Johnson, Tommy Lane, Walter Milton, Willie Lastinger, J. Lawton Dowling, William Fortane, Thomas Dickerson, Thomas Lloyd, Robert Dowling, Russell King, Roger Rowell, Harry Chesser and others.
Normally, after the presentations, the tokens are taken to the memorial at the school and placed there, but heavy rains and winds from Tropical Storm Nicole prevented the outdoor portion of the program.
“As long as we live, we will never forget these boys,” said Harris.
In closing, school officials thanked the students for being on their “best behavior” and for participating in the program.
Veterans who attended and people of the community were also thanked for being on hand for the program and for giving of their devotion and dedication to make sure America remains a free nation.
As with many such ceremonies, the program ended with a tribute to the fallen by Wyatt Blount who played “TAPS” on trumpet. Tears of gratefulness were seen on numerous faces as the program ended.
Members of the Brantley County chorus performed several patriotic songs for the audience Friday during the annual Veterans Day celebration at Hoboken Elementary School.
First and second graders sang their hearts out Friday as the Hoboken Elementary School honored veterans in the community and their families.
Family members were invited to pick up a memento honoring those who had paid the ultimate sacrifice for the nation.
Callie Cox performs a flawless rendition of the ever-popular Lee Greenwood song entitled “God Bless The USA” and was given a rousing standing ovation by her appreciative audience.